Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How Did The First Democratic Debate Match Up With The Republican “Debate”?

The first Democratic debate averaged 15.3 million viewers, easily making it the most watched Democratic debate ever. Some may argue that this is incomparable to the Republican debate, which brought in 23.2 million viewers. Regardless of comparative numbers the Democratic debate was not a disappointment. There certainly was not any bashing of minorities, or name-calling. In fact there was the exact opposite. One of the more bold and memorable statements of the night came when Hillary Clinton’s democratic opponent Bernie Sanders helped her answer a question potentially once and for all. The question I am referring to has been talked about for quite some time now. Anderson Cooper, the host of the debate asked Hillary a question regarding her email situation. While answering Bernie Sanders chimed in saying that he and everyone else are “tired of talking about her dam emails.”

The Democratic debate closed with a statement from Martin O’Malley. O’Malley mentioned the level of professionalism within the debate, and how there was not any mockery going on. As imagined the debate was covered all over the Internet from every platform imaginable.  The on going social media debate which will never have a true answer going forward is, who won the debate? This argument will continue for some time now.

I feel politics can be a stressful thing to keep up with. There is never one right answer. It is always a never-ending cycle of who is right and who is wrong. However once you know about the problems we have in our world, and what is or is not being done, you cant help but want to learn more about the people making decisions.  I have watched every debate this year with a fairly unbiased opinion. I am looking forward to the next Democratic debate, and hope to see more controversial questions discussed. I do not know who I am in favor of at this point in time, but I am making an effort to learn as much as I can so that I am ready to cast my vote for the best man or woman for our country.

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