Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Real-Time Marketing & PR Chapter 13

David Scott discussed the idea of social media being blocked at work and IBM Social Computing Guidelines. Often company executives are the gatekeepers for the company social media. The reasoning for this is solely based on wanting their employees to be as productive as possible. 

The IBM Guidelines are a standard set of guidelines. These guidelines are put in place by the companies administrators. Most companies or institutions have a standard set of IBM guidelines, which employees, consumers, students, and any other users must abide by. I have been exposed to this in my academic and work atmosphere. I see pros and cons to having this in place. One of the more beneficial elements is that content is controlled, and you minimize the risk of negative content. The con to this is the company media relations team may not be able to respond to any potential questions, comments, or concerns in a timely fashion.

As social media continues to grow I see nothing but potential. Companies are able to connect with consumers in real time. PR departments are able to use the company media platforms as tools to measure the success of campaigns vie analytics, and comments.

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