Thursday, December 10, 2015

Finals Week

Finals week is simultaneously the most loved and hated week of every college kids semester. The week serves as a checkpoint throughout the year. Students know when they reach finals week, the end of the semester is here. The only thing standing between students and going home is a week of all nighters, re-learning a whole semesters worth or work, and drinking more caffeine than ever before. However, the feeling you get once you make it through finals week is the ultimate satisfaction. You are exhausted, but the sense of triumph has never been more present than when you walk out of the last final. I don’t want to say I hate finals week because I really don’t think I do. Most students would laugh at that remark, but I have to admit some part of me enjoys the late nights and sense of accomplishment you get once you are done. I wish the best of luck to my fellow classmates with their finals and want them to know it is never too late to send a nice appreciation email to your professors to try and earn a little grace    

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