Friday, December 4, 2015

Measure What Matters Final Chapters

We have turned our last page for the semester. Measure What Matters by Katie Paine is a book I am happy to have on my shelf. I have taken so much valuable knowledge from this book. Chapter 13 talks about nonprofits, and how unique they are in regards to overall operation and measurement. I have actively researched nonprofits over the course of the last two years, with hopes to work with one after graduation.

Nonprofits rely heavily on donors, and volunteers. The overall goal for nonprofit organizations is to meet the consumer needs all while keeping the donors happy. Keeping the donors happy is typically done by showing how their donations are used, and what the donation means to the organization going forward. In regards to chapter 13, Katie Paine discusses measurement. Measurement in the nonprofit sector can be measured by donor dollars and media coverage. The way nonprofits operate is completely different from for profit entities, and I feel Katie Paine ends the book by highlighting the ins and outs of nonprofits.

If you are interested in purchasing Measure What Matters, please click the link. I highly recommend this book to any PR and or Marketing professionals.

1 comment:

  1. Sam- I also enjoyed Katie Paine’s novel “Measure What Matters”. Measurement is the one of the most important aspects in social media, especially for nonprofits. Like you said, nonprofits rely heavily on donors and volunteers to keep their doors open. Paine gave great advice on how to succeed in the nonprofit sector by implementing measurement programs. Great read for those interested in PR, Marketing or Advertising.
