Thursday, September 10, 2015

Why Social Media Loves Donald Trump

Donald Trump is known for his outlandish and unorthodox approach to politics. He has no problem speaking his mind without any hesitation. Donald is a live wire. He appears to not care about what his opponents think, or many potential voters. Most people would think why is this a good or bad thing.

The right-wing voters are clearly in favor of Donald’s actions and stances on most issues, according to the latest political polls he is up 20%.  The left-wing candidates appear to enjoy his untraditional ways. President Obama has made numerous jokes about his message delivery. So we see Donald has plenty of support but who is really loving him right now?

Donald’s biggest supporters are the media channels and websites. Donald has boosted ratings for every network when they are covering something he did. His actions are so untraditional people regardless of their political affiliation want to see what he is going to do next. Anytime I turn on the news I see a majority of the time being taken up by the latest Donald Trump remarks or actions. Regardless of political affiliation CNN, Fox, NBC, and many more love the guy. They will continue to love him as long as he is in the race.

At the end of the day if you know how media works you understand they are sololey concerned about their ratings. As long as the viewers are watching they will continue to keep the same media agenda. As long as Donald continues his live wire, unorthodox ways the media will continue to feed their viewers his content.

1 comment:

  1. Sam,

    I think your post here is very relative to our world right now and is inclusive to all age groups. I say this because my dad is 65 year old Vietnam Veteran and is very old school and Republican. One day I was sitting at the bar with him and he starts talking about Politics. I look at him and say "Pop, I thought the 2 rules about a bar is don't about religion, and don't talk about politics"? and he looked at me and said, "You're my son, I can talk about whatever I want". He told me that if he had to vote for anyone right now, he would vote for Trump and I was seriously shocked and kind of offended. Like do we really want to put our country's fate in the hands of this celebrity? That was when my dad made a good point about Trump that you also touched on Sam. Trump has money, which means he doesn't need or have lobbyists to be filling his campaign and platform with a bunch of money and lies. Everything that is coming out of his mouth is what he really thinks and plans to do with his onw money and it really made me re-asses my thinking. I like your post here Sam and it really does open my eyes to what my dad was saying.
