Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Real-Time 11-12

Real–Time Marketing & PR Chapters 11-12 raise interesting points about two important topics. The first point of interest is when David Scott discusses the four key contact points where companies need to focus on real-time connections with customers. When focusing on the need of the customer Scott gives 4 main focal points. The points are as followed, presale, immediate post sale, ready to receive and problem solution and crisis communication. 

The next chapter I found to be very interesting. Scott discusses the trend of large companies utilizing our app world. Almost every major company has an app for their consumers. I took a minute to count my apps I have for companies I associate myself with. I have 10 different apps on my phone to hear about upcoming promotions, shopping convenience, and product updates.

One social media app I felt is doing a great job with gaining users, and retaining users is Snapchat. Snapchat is growing by the minute, and adding functions weekly.  Several news and entertainment outlets are using Snapchat as a way to be seen and promote their television shows. I think it is a great collaboration to see these multimedia outlets coming together and making deals in a way that is a win-win on all ends.

The phrase “there’s an app for that” took over the scene in 2015 and is now more true than ever before. The app world is constantly growing. There are app developers in every city eager to get their hands on another project. Overall I think the apps are great for ensuring customer satisfaction and convenience. I would expect to only see this phenomena continue to grow.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Power Of A Strong LinkedIn Profile

If there is one social media page you should take time on it is your LinkedIn page. LinkedIn is the largest professional website currently with 53 million users. I hear all the time from my peers that they have connected with employers solely based on the layout of their LinkedIn page.

The page allows you to have a profile picture, your resume, blogs, skills, and much more. LinkedIn is you marketing yourself 24/7 without having to say a word. You put in the work on projects, and your resume. Upload your stuff, make sure the layout flows and looks professional, and let the World Wide Web do the rest.

Employers are constantly searching for new talent via LinkedIn. Make sure you are not missing out on the search by having a complete site. Going forward once your materials are all posted take the time to make sure you are taking the proper steps to having your correct skills endorsed, sharing relevant material to your profession, and maintaining your relationships.  Congratulate your peers on their work success, and reach out to a connection you haven’t heard from in a while, one day you might be glad you did.

LinkedIn is a great tool for all professional’s young and old, when used the right way. If you don’t take the time to build a solid profile why should an employer take their time to even consider you? They shouldn’t and they wont. Put in the effort on LinkedIn and let the employers do the rest.

Why Fall Is The Best Time To Be At ONU

Fall is rapidly approaching for the village of Ada and I could not be happier. Fall in Ada is the best time of year. There is something about driving through campus when all of the leaves start to change colors. The sceneries will inevitably put a smile on your face. The weather is perfect and there are plenty of activities going on throughout campus. 

One of my favorite sceneries is when the Polar Bears are playing at Dial Roberson stadium on a Saturday afternoon, and you look over the hill out to the pond and see the entire tree line filled with bright colors. I swear the first time I ever saw those trees I got goose bumps just looking at them.

Corn hole, grilling out, sitting on hay bales, bonfires, and many more festive activities can be seen all around the village. Those are many of the things I will miss after leaving in the spring. When you first arrive on campus you have this amazing rush of energy going through you. You are meeting people, staying out late, walking through campus, and you never really take the time to sit there and take everything in. Now that I have been here for four years I will be sure to take everything in this fall.

Ada, Ohio is a pretty awesome place. I like to refer to it as a diamond in the rough. Not to discredit the surrounding corn and bean fields, or Lima and Findlay, but there really isn’t much around ONU. You drive and drive then finally you come into this small town where so little is happening, yet it feels like so much.  

Fall is here and I am ready.