Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Real-Time Marketing & PR Chapters 1-2

In chapter one of Real-Time Marketing & PR written by David Meerman Scott we see a PR problem involving United Airlines and a consumer David Carroll. David Carroll is a musician who had an unfortunate incident occur when United Airlines broke his Taylor guitar. The chapter shows that if the incident were addressed the right way would, it would be nothing more than a small transaction, but United Airlines instead received a bit of a PR problem. David Caroll spent a year over the incident going back and fourth with United Airlines, and the ultimate end result was quite creative and effective.

After United Airlines failed to compensate David Caroll for his broken guitar, he put his talents to use, and made a song and video about it. In the end Dave Carroll came out with three new songs on Itunes, Taylor Guitars showed the proper packing procedure for guitars when flying and Calton Cases, Inc. made a special case designed specifically for musicians who are traveling.

More often than not consumers go without compensation when a company providing a service is at fault. This is a great example for every PR practitioner to note, and make sure that you never underestimate someone. This song was all over the internet, and United Airlines debatably suffered from it.

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